Clarity Based
Clarity Based Leadership™ (CBL™) is a leadership system that equips leaders to create Cultures of Clarity where people are engaged, developed and fulfilled. The Clarity Model™ is at the heart of CBL. The Clarity Model branches out into five simple systems that leaders will integrate into their workflow.
The Clarity Model™ + Five Leadership Systems
"A confused mind does one of three things: says no, carves its own path, or gets stuck." Leading to the One

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Some may say, leadership has changed or it’s different today than it was ten years ago. Things certainly look different, but we have an alternative perspective on this topic. What if leadership never really changed? What if, instead, we are in a day when true leadership is being restored? Here is what we mean: a restoration of leaders, who understand what it means to be human and who understand what it means to lead humans.
Leading to the One is a part of the Clarity Based Leadership™ System, and it includes:
- The Clarity Model™
- Leading to the One™
- L-21™ Interactions
- The Awareness Matrix
Whether you are a new leader, a seasoned leader or have an interest in understanding the humans you interact with on a daily basis, LEADING TO THE ONE is for you.
Buy The Book"Leading to the One (L-21) is the recognition that each person is unique and each supervisor / employee relationship is different, requiring the leader to lead each person individually." Leading to the One
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